We are delighted to have successfully concluded another edition of the Yawal Academy.

As every year, our meetings went beyond the scope of ordinary training. They were dedicated to our business partners, with whom we continued the tradition of creating strong relationships based on mutual understanding.

This year, we had the pleasure of organizing meetings in several exceptional places, including the beautiful Dolni Morawa. Of course, we didn't limit ourselves to just business discussions. Participants had the chance to admire the views, walking among the clouds, and enjoy the attractions that made the time spent there truly unforgettable.

In the heart of Slovakia, surrounded by the warmth and culture of the country, our priority was to build lasting relationships. We believe that authenticity and focusing on the customer are the key to success. Therefore, each of our meetings is an opportunity for in-depth conversations, sharing experiences, and planning a common future.

We would like to thank our valuable partners, including GEZE and IGP Powder Coating. It is thanks to them that we can provide our clients with the most innovative solutions.

We eagerly await the next editions of the Yawal Academy, which will undoubtedly be full of inspiration and unforgettable moments. Those interested in participating in future trainings are invited to visit our website.